Establishment of our chamber formerly named as Sanjak of Burdur Chamber of Commerce and Industry associated with Konya province goes back to as far as the early years of 19th century. Although our chamber had to take a break from its services during the period of independence war, in consequence of the devoted efforts of late President of the Board Şükrü Bayer and his fellows our chamber has resumed its services since the announcement of Republic in 1923.
Our chamber building which was decided to be renovated due to the fact that it was highly damaged after heartrending occurrence of the earthquake on 12th May 1971 was moved to tents. As a result of devoted efforts of President of the Assembly Nevzat Akdemir, President of the Board Nurettin Boyacıoğlu, members of the Assembly and Board of Directors it continuously has provided its services in those tents.
Since its establishment, our chamber not only has protected its members’ benefits but also has made it its business to make investments that would make significant contribution to economic development. In this context, our chamber has added values mentioned below to the national and urban economy as a result of intensive work and attempts had been made in presence of Presidency, Prime Ministry, The Ministry of Industry and Trade and other competent authorities.
Construction of our building cited as an example in our city was decided in 1988. In the first instance plot of the building was bought from Red Crescent Society of Burdur in 1993. In a short span of time construction of our building has been started by the Consignation Committee which was established under the leadership of Chairman of the Board Kayhan Ertuğrul and President of the Assembly Vural KANRICI in 1994. Our new building whose construction was proceeded in 1995 by President of the Assembly Vural KANRICI and Chairman of the Board Alaaddin İÇOĞLU, was completed and put into service by President of the Assembly Osman KISAOĞLU and Chairman of the Board Salih DİNÇER in 1998. Our chamber still provides its services at the same building.
In 1999, during the period of President of the Assembly Osman KISAOĞLU and Chairman of the Board Salih DİNÇER, our chamber had an active role in developing process of Western Mediterranean Economic Development Foundation by participating to the process as co-founder. Additionally, our chamber ensured the regional development by establishing a powerful collaboration among four cities Burdur, Antalya, Isparta, and Afyonkarahisar and encouraging them to work together.
Although it has been a short period of time after the elections in 2005 and President of the Assembly Feyzi Oktay and Chairman of the Board Yusuf Keyik have taken office, they have gained KOSGEB Synergy Focus, IGEME representation and K Licence Unit under our chamber’s services as a result of the hard work they have carried out in order to improve our services as a chamber. Thus a great convenience has been provided of our members’ making the use of government supports, informing public and our exporting members or who wants to export, gaining K Licence to all our memebers and employees in this sector. In addition to these, our chamber played an active role in execution of 1st Burdur Symposium with its moral and material support between the dates of 16-19 November 2005.
Burdur Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been in operation within the framework of law 5174. The President of the Assembly is Feyzi Oktay and the Chairman of the Board is Yusuf Keyik. Our chamber contribute to development of commercial and industrial activities. Also capacity reports, ATR and origin documents, member registration and operation documents, K documents , insurance, expert reports regarding import and export, trade registration transactions are under the operation of our chamber.
Our chamber obtain Quality Management system certificate called TS ENISO 9001:2000 from Turkish Standard Institution in 2005. Our actions continue to obtain “Accredited Chambers” from TOBB- The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.